Help your kids grow in their faith when you teach the Fruit of the Spirit Lessons for Kids! This 9-lesson Bible study will teach children about the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, from Galatians 5:22-23. Each lesson includes a variety of activities to help kids learn and grow spiritually. Plus, we’ve included “more than enough” with each lesson so you can adapt to any teaching situation. Get your copy today and see how your children blossom in their knowledge and love for Jesus Christ!
New from The Sunday School Store get the 9-week Fruit of the Spirit curriculum. Every lesson has been revised and organized into a new teacher-friendly format. This bundle has over 100 pages of teaching material including, lesson plans, small group guides, worksheets, coloring pages, hands on snack ideas, and suggested games.
Fruit of the Spirit for Kids: 9-Lesson Bible Study from Galatians 5:22-23
“The Fruit of the Spirit” is a classic scripture passage to understand the work of the Gospel in our lives. This 9-part study will help children grow spiritually as they learn from Galatians 5:22-23. Do you want to help your kids grow in their faith? Then you need the Fruit of the Spirit Lessons for Kids! This 9-lesson study will teach them about the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, based on Galatians 5:22-23. Each lesson includes a variety of activities to help kids learn and grow spiritually. Plus, we’ve included “more than enough” with each lesson so you can adapt to any teaching situation.

This page links to all our ministry resources based on the “Fruit of the Spirit” for kids passage in Galatians 5. This is often a very popular passage for children’s ministry because of the immediate life application. These are perfect children’s ministry resources when you need to teach kids on the Holy Spirit. Use the Bible lessons above to make sure kids understand how all the fruit are expressions of God’s love.
Suggested Age Group: Preschool age 4-5 years old, younger elementary age 6-8 years old, older elementary students age 9-10 years old, preteen children age 11-12 years old, middle school students age 13-14 years old, high school students age 15-18 years old.
Sunday School Activities: Fruit of the Holy Spirit
- Love (coloring sheet – worksheet) Try these materials when teaching about Love.
- Joy (coloring sheet – worksheet) Free resources for teaching a lesson about Joy
- Peace (coloring sheet –worksheet) Use these in your Peace Sunday School Lesson
- Patience (coloring sheet – worksheet) Perfect for your Patience Bible lessons.
- Kindness (coloring sheet –worksheet) Help kids learn about kindness. Don’t miss our new series Kids 4 Kindness: 4-lesson Sunday School curriculum on what it means to be kind to others.
- Goodness (coloring sheet – worksheet) Try this in your Goodness lesson.
- Faithfulness (coloring sheet – worksheet) Download when you teach about Faithfulness.
- Gentleness (coloring sheet – worksheet) Of all the fruits, Gentleness is often overlooked in teaching.
- Self-control (coloring sheet – worksheet) Ideal for your lesson on self-control.
Bible Games for Kids and Fruit of the Spirit Teaching Ideas
Kids learn best when they are engaged. The Sunday School teacher can use creative ideas in their teaching. Try these fun activities in your kids ministry classes.
- Fruit Basket Upset game idea
- Another Fruit of the Spirit game (with video demo)
- Printable review game Fruit of the Spirit BINGO – perfect for Sunday School
- Try “the Ninja Game” to talk about self-control and keep kids engaged in your lesson
Fruit of the Spirit Music & Songs
Includes some active worship time in each of your Fruit of the Spirit Sunday School lesson. The songs below will help kids learn all the different fruits listed in Galatians 5:22-23.
- Video “We Got the Fruit” from Go Fish
- Fruit of the Spirit song with online video
- Learn about another kids worship CD based on this theme “To Be Like Jesus”
Activities to Teach the Fruit of the Spirit – Don’t miss the Fruit Salad Snack

- Spiritual Fruit object lessons
- 3 more Fruit of the Spirit activities to boost your lesson on the fruits
- Fruit of the Spirit word search activity sheet for Sunday school
- Bible Lesson plan about the Holy Spirit’s role in Spiritual Fruit and how fruit grows spiritually in the same way that when God is working in our lives
- “Good Heart Farms” Free VBS program based on this Galatians 5 and the work of the Holy Spirit of God
- View all our Fruit of the Spirit coloring pages on one page to download
- View all of the Sunday School worksheet reviews and add them to your fruits lesson.
- Read about making a fruit tray with your kids as a family devotional. Real fruit and fruit salad can be a fun way to teach this Bible lesson. You can show the difference in good fruit and kids can pick their favorite fruit to eat as a snack at the end of the Bible study.
- See related Fruit of the Spirit for kids ideas on our Pinterest page
Galatians 5:22-23 The Fruit of the Holy Spirit: Paul the Apostle describes the work of the Holy Spirit to build our faith and help Christians become more like the Lord Jesus Christ.
Galatians 5:22 The spiritual growth of a Christian
(ESV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
(KJV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
(MSG) But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments,
(NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
(NLT) But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Galatians 5:23 The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
(ESV) gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
(KJV) Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
(MSG) not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely. Legalism is helpless in bringing this about; it only gets in the way.
(NIV) gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
(NLT) gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
Self Control? Fruit of the Spirit
Among all the fruits, is typically a favorite topic for Bible lessons when teaching kids about the Holy Spirit. It’s important to give equal weight to all the fruit of the Spirit. The point is how much God loves us that the Lord bless us all in powerful ways when we accept Jesus. This is such a fun Bible theme for the children, but it’s import to remember in each Fruit of the Spirit lesson is always about the way Jesus Christ loves us!
Paul the Apostle Teaching on the Holy Spirit in Christian Life
In his biblical epistles Paul teaches that the Holy Spirit is our helper, guide and teacher. He convicts us of sin, leads us in prayer, teaches us about God’s truth and helps us to grow in holiness. The Holy Spirit also empowers us to share the gospel message with others and to serve Christ in the world. In other words, the Holy Spirit is involved in every aspect of our Christian lives!
The Fruit of the Spirit for kids will share those same important concepts with the children in your ministry. Download the free PDF lesson plan above to get started.
FAQ about the Fruit of the Spirit for Kids
One way to explain the fruit of the Spirit to a child is by using an analogy. Imagine that the fruit of the Spirit is like a basket of delicious fruits. Each fruit represents a different kind of good feeling or characteristic that comes from God. The more you eat of these delicious fruits, the more you will feel good inside. Another way to think about it is this: Just as your body needs food to grow and be strong, your spirit also needs spiritual food in order to grow and be strong. The Bible calls this spiritual food “the fruit of the Spirit.” These are things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control – all qualities that the Holy Spirit provides for your spiritual health and growth.
The fruit of the Spirit is important because it’s a sign that we’re living in the Spirit and not in our flesh. Kids need to know that God’s Holy Spirit wants to build the character of Jesu Christ in their lives. The Bible tells us that “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23) These are the qualities that God wants us to have in our lives, and they’re a reflection of His character. When we allow the Holy Spirit to live within us and guide us, these qualities will begin to manifest themselves in our lives. Our Bible lesson plans will instruct children in these important religious truths.
There are actually nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, but some people consider there to be twelve. The nine fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The additional three fruits often mentioned are hope, humility and perseverance. All of these fruits are important in our Christian walk and they help us to become more Christ-like in our daily lives. The fruit of the Spirit is not just for adult Christians – it is for everyone children preschoolers, middle school students, and high school youth group age too.
Thank you for the free lessons, my husband and I have Bible lessons in a trailer court every Wednesday evening and we appreciate all the help and prayers we get
Fr. Jeff Robinette
DCn. Emma Robinette
A song my husband learned when he was in youth group years ago and has since taught our kids (and me). This is how I finally memorized all the fruits….
Anyway, just thought I’d add that to you list of songs.
Thank you very much for sharing this song!!! What a blessing!
I learned A LOT OF BIBLE VERSES VIA SONGS and my Darling wife and I are doing the same thing for our children ????????
Be blessed.
I have no words to thank the author. What an amazing taxonomy of lessons ! Coloring sheets are added resources for teaching kids. Keep up your good work. I stumbled upon your resource materials in right time. Thank God !????
Good evening! Thank you for these! Is there anyway to have the lesson plans and coloring pages emailed to me so I can send these to our Pastor? They will be able to then print them and we can use these for children’s service!
The best way is to use the print link at the top of every post (right under the title by the author’s name).
Thank you so much for these precious teaching materials made available for free. It is going to be used at church and also for children ministry in my community outreach for children. God bless you. I will keep u updated.
Thank you so much for your kindness. May God bless you even more. we are using the lesson plans to teach our sunday school.
You are such a blessing to us! We are a small church and always try to give our Kids Ministry the very best, and your lessons have blessed us so much. We pray that the Lord may pour out His most wonderful blessings upon your life and ministry. The month of May we will be teaching the Fruit of the Spirit Lessons. God bless.
Great materials! Thank you for your generosity and willingness to minister to kids all over.
God bless you to overflow!
Thanks for the free lessons. I have Vocational Bible School coming up and this is my first time teaching it. This will help alot.
Great materials for kids! May the good Lord God continue to prosper your ministry to children for such a kind and generous heart. I believe they will also help me to train up my kids in the way of the Lord.
God bless you, Tony
You are amazing! God richly bless you.I will say a prayer for you.
My children love the lesson and I am so blessed to have found the page.I would reach out to many other children with the help of your resources.God bless you so much
Very good material and encouraging for us to teach our children. Thank you very much for the good work. God Almighty bless and prosper your ministry in Jesus Christ name.Amen
I just love the simplicity of the download. Just one click of the mouse and you get it all.
Thanks so much! We want to make children’s ministry as hassle-free as possible.
Thank you for your materials. We are a small and vibrant worshipping community with limited resources. Your support is a tremedous blessings. And YES, the zip file is much appreciated.
Thank you so much for the free download. Very helpful when you work full time during the week but still want good material to teach on Sunday and Wednesday. Will start our 9 week study today on the Fruits of the Spirit.
I’ve been searching for Fruit of the Spirit activities for my Sunday School students. These coloring pages and the meanings behind them are perfect. Thank you!!
Thank you so much for this free very resourceful materials. God bless you aboundantly.
Thank you so much for all of the help. I just started teaching Bible Study for children ages 3-12 and it is hard to encompass everyone but your lesson plans make it very easy. Praise be to GOD and bless you
I Praise God for you and your ministery to supply Bible lessons!! I’ve been teaching over 55 years and I appreciate being able to google and have a lesson that I can use, and apply to what we are studying! God Bless and thank you so very much!!!
Thank you! I needed a lesson for Fruits of the Spirit. I believe this is key to making the right, most fulfilling choices in life. I asked our homeschool tutor and she led me here. I can’t wait to dive in to the resources here. Thank you!
I just found this site and I love it. My children are studying Catholic doctrine and I want them to have more materials to learn. Great!
Thank you very much!
May the Lord bless you as abundantly as you have blessed us with this material. We are a charitable ttrust operating in New Zealand and are in the process of putting together colletteral for Sunday School lessons for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds who attend poorly resourced churches. We charge absolutlely nothing for this. The force behing this endeavour is Judges 2:10 (the generation who came after the one which conquored the Promised Land did not know the Lord or know of the Lord..). All it took is one generation to forget what the Lord did in the wilderness.
Thank you and God Bless you all for providing these awesome resources! I’ve watched my littles grow and thrive with these activities and lessons! They absolutely love the interactive nature of our classes and the fun format that we are able to present in!
Thanks for having these bundled and ready to go! Our Christian school is closed like many right now, and we will continue having daily Bible lessons. We will start with your Fruit of the Spirit bundle. God bless you!
I am a Primary school teacher and I was looking for a set of lessons to teach my students the Fruit of the Spirit on a weekly basis. I came across your website and absolutely loved the materials and the in depth lessons. Thank you for this wonderful resource.
This lesson has turned our conversations about behavior into joint prayers for the Spirit to help us!! Thank you!
This lesson has taught me alot as a Sunday school teacher.I will apply it at the next class for my kids.Thank you